I live and work on the Central Coast amongst the treetops, where diamond pythons sometimes perform highwire acts and lyrebirds rake and roam the leafy understory after rain. In times gone by, I loved to adventure around the globe, and would take every opportunity to do so.
For over 20 years I have honed my skills in creating original layouts, logos, illustrations and typography for mainly print-based design. More recently I have turned to the wonderful world of book design – with an emphasis on children’s books. As a creative problem solver I have been able to draw on my resourcefulness and flexibility while working with educational institutions and an array of small businesses.
I love to pass on everything I have absorbed throughout my art and design education, career and travels. Whether it be through advising a new freelance client or work colleague, mentoring emerging creatives of all ages or visually through my creative concepts.
For me, learning is an infinite journey.